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Invasion Bundle #4: Rough Alien BDSM Page 5


  It was only one word, but it changed the world. Behind me a brilliant light shot up. I tried to turn my head to watch, but he kept his grip upon me tight. He chose that exact second that the first shot was fired to shove his huge prick straight into my throat.

  I squealed with fright. I thought my true first time would be different. Maybe it would be romantic. But this, well, this was something else. He yanked himself free, shoving himself in yet again. My saliva coated his huge, alien cock, dripping down my chin. He used his hands to shove me back and forth, as if I were a mere toy for his pleasure. He'd used me like this before, so many times. Now it was real. Now he was truly in my mouth. Now the guns were shooting my city.

  He liked it. He liked watching my face as I struggled to turn around, struggled to see what was happening to my home. Could he see the fear there? Yes I loved him, but there was always that concern that I'd finally gone too far. He was enjoying the power he had over me, not just with his massive strength but with the destruction of my planet. He would shove himself in each time an explosion would hit. Over and over he thrust, I could feel the heat from the fires upon my skin. I could feel the wind as the ships raced through my atmosphere. And always, at the center, the pounding of his massive dick straight into my throat, deeper than I'd ever imagined.

  Finally he yanked my head back, straightening my throat so that he could get a clear shot. He pounded so deeply that I felt those scaled balls as they slapped against my skin. He thrust harder and deeper until a final explosion sounded, and he joined it, erupting deep inside.

  The dreams could not have prepared me for this. His strange alien seed, a taste that I couldn't describe, filling my throat and stomach. It burned all the way down, as if his body temperature was somehow hotter than my own. And yet, when he finished filling my body with his juices, I felt full. I felt good.

  It took me several moments to catch my breath, leaning forward, my palms on the dirt. When I finally looked up, Mastian was staring into the city. The electricity was gone, it was lit only by fires now. It was an eerie sight.

  “Are you sure you want this?” He asked, not looking down to me.

  “I have a choice?” I asked, though there was no heat to my words.

  “There's always a choice, my love.” I took a sharp intake of breath at that. He'd always called me by my name, or as his pet. He would never chance anyone else hearing. I could only guess he'd muted his comm. “You could join the resistance.”

  “What resistance?” I asked, slowly rising to my feet. I took a couple of steps forward, in front of him, watching as the fires blazed.

  He shrugged. It was a strange movement on an alien, but one he'd picked up from me. “There's always a resistance.”

  I sighed deeply. He was giving me one more shot. I had the ability to stay on Earth. But there was nothing left for me here. I had no family, no friends. The only thing I wanted stood right before me. I shook my head. “They've made their decision, Mastian. I've done all I can do.”

  He nodded then. I felt one large, clawed hand upon my shoulder. He drew me closer to him, wrapping that thick robe around my body. Underneath I could feel his chest, pale green and smooth to the touch. This was why I loved him. He could be a cruel, heartless master when it was appropriate, and a gentle, loving one if it wasn't.

  And it felt so good, even if the world was crumbling, that I had him. Finally, we were together. Maybe it wasn't as gentle as I'd hoped, but I could understand his being overcome with excitement. He enjoyed my submission. He enjoyed having his little human slave. But he wouldn't force me, we both knew it.

  “You understand you can never be my wife?” He asked, laying a small kiss upon my head. It was a strange, human gesture with those huge lips.

  I nodded. He had explained their caste system. He would be expected to marry and breed with one of his own kind, no doubt high ranking. He was, after all, one of the highest ranking commanders in their military. He was also a Lord in his own right, it was not merely a title.

  I was nothing in their society. Many men kept pets from their conquests, chained and caged. Those women were kept and used as their masters willed. But the bond that Mastian and I had, the years and years of intimate dreams, we knew we were stronger. I would be his cherished pet in public, and his partner in private.

  The fact that we both enjoyed a bit of the roughness, well, what was wrong with that?

  “Wife is just a title.” I said, pressing my cheek against his bare skin as the world fell. “I just want to belong to you.”


  My Master had prepared me for many things, but teleportation was not one of them.

  Before we'd left Earth, he slipped a pair of cuffs onto either of my wrists, with a matching collar. It was made of a strange, metallic material. When it sealed I could see no seams. When I questioned him about the bracelets, he'd explained they were gravitational manacles. There was no reason to use chain when gravity would work even better.

  It was expected of course. His men would believe me a captive. I knew I'd be restrained. I'd prepared for that. But I couldn't prepare for the sudden, intense nausea, nor did I expect the pain of being taken apart at the molecular level. My head swam as one environment was replaced by another. I had only a moment to see the teleporter room before the world went black.

  When I awoke, I found myself inside a small, round cage. It was barely large enough for me to sit in, it was clearly meant for standing. I rubbed my head for a long moment while taking stock of my situation.

  The room was bright, too bright for my tender eyes. But as I adjusted I saw them, dozens of aliens as they moved from station to station. Most were the same race as Mastian, but there were a couple of others. One looked almost humanoid, if not for his strange red skin. But there, at the center of the bridge, intent upon a view screen, was my Master. It nearly took my breath away. He was so dominant, so commanding in his uniform. And the men were all deferential to him.

  “She's woken up!” Called a voice from behind me. Suddenly I felt a hand press through the bars, grabbing my breast and squeezing it, hard. I squealed and turned. One of the crew, a reptilian like Mastian, was leaning over me, leering. I jerked away and leaned against the other wall, as far from him as I could go. In the tiny cage, it didn't accomplish much.

  “Let her be, Strawnin. She's mine.” The way he said “mine” made me think it had a special meaning to them.

  “Come now, Lord Mastian. You are the only one who has his own captive.”

  Mastian was typing into a tablet of some sort. He didn't even bother to look up.

  “The other prizes will be distributed once the planet is fully conquered. You know that.”

  Strawnin didn't seem content with that. He pinched my rear, hard, causing me to yelp again. Then he walked off. The red humanoid made his way to Mastian's side, kneeling in front of him.

  “Forgive me, my Lord. But perhaps there is a middle ground?”

  Mastian finally looked up. Clearly this man held more sway with him in his decisions.

  “With the female I mean?” The red hued man continued.

  Mastian took a deep breath and lay the tablet to the side. He seemed to have acquiesced to something, though I had no idea what. He made a motion with his hand and the bars of the cage sunk down into the ground around me. That's when the cuffs began to pull me forward of their own accord. My feet stumbled after them until I stood in front of my Master, who sat upon the Captain's chair.

  “My men are overeager, my pet.” He said, his words directed towards me. His eyes searched mine for a signal. He would give me a chance to stop this. He didn't have to, but he was offering. I knew it might mean his career. We were toeing such a very fine line here. But a slave did as she was told. I nodded slightly, almost imperceptibly. I gave him my permission.

  He adjusted himself in his chair, chuckling softly. He gestured to two of his men. “Divest her of her clothing.” I watched as one pulled a long knife
from his boot, the other simply moved in front of me, placing his hands on either side of my shirt collar. He yanked it apart, ripping the clothing away, sending buttons flying it every direction. He did the same with my pants, while the knife wielding man slipped that cold blade underneath my bra, slicing outwards. My breasts spilled forward. Immediately I crossed my arms over my chest, while the men yanked off my shoes, socks and cut away my underwear. Though I fought it, the bindings pulled my wrists away, leaving my breasts free to their wanton eyes.

  And so I stood there, a blush running through my cheeks, as the eyes of man after man roamed over my body. I didn't need to guess at what they imagined. In my dreams, my Master had shown it all to me and more. But I'd never been nude, sexually, before. Not with my real body. To have that first time with so many men? And what was wrong with me that I was becoming aroused?

  “Very nice Captain,” Strawnin started. “Can't wait til I get my own!”

  “You should take her, my Lord,” said the red-hued man, his skin beginning to glow a strange orange color.

  Other men started the cheer, all of them shouting for him to take me, use me, fuck me. My eyes raised to his. We'd spoken about this before. He knew I was untouched, an innocent despite my thirty years. Add to that the fact that he was incredibly well endowed, and you have a recipe for going slow. This was not going to be slow.

  But I loved my Master. I knew he was in a quandary, stuck between trying to offer me kindness and the morale of his crew. This was not how I wanted to lose my virginity. Then again, I didn't really want the Earth to get invaded. I would have preferred to been abducted by my alien lord and taken away, somewhere quiet that we could explore each other's bodies. But this was a small price to pay, to have him. Once more, I nodded my assent, only enough that Mastian would notice.

  He didn't wait long. He easily slid himself free of his uniform, already tall, hard and ready. This was the first time I could see it in proper lighting. It was human like, with the same head and balls that the men of Earth were accustomed to, but the shape was slightly different, as if the insides of their females were longer. And then there was the color, a deep green, different from his skin, decorated with tiny scales.

  I bit my lip. I wanted him. I wanted him to be the one to take me. So many others watching though, it was strange, humiliating. But then, this was their culture. A person could be claimed, completely, by another. There was no equality here. There was merely master and slave.

  The bindings brought me forward. He lifted me upwards, so that my bare, virgin hole hovered over that massive, alien cock. My knees were on either side of his. He was so tall that he could stare directly in my eyes as he rocked my hips over him, coating him with my juices.

  “She is untouched,” he breathed, eliciting exciting murmuring from his crew.

  But my eyes were all for him. My Master. My lover. I wanted him inside of me. I wanted to be his completely, forever.

  It was as if he could read my mind. He kept his gaze on mine, and I hoped no one else could read the feelings there. I hoped all they saw was his oversized dick pressing against my virgin canal.

  A quick buck of the hips and the head was inside, ripping a scream from my lips. He clutched his huge claws around my upper arms, digging into the flesh, forcing me to open my eyes. He was trying to tell me we were not out of the woods yet, even though he'd taken my virginity.

  He lifted my body up easily, then yanked it back down, shoving more of his massive prick inside my tight, pink hole. Again I shrieked, but this time it was less painful. It was more unpleasant. Again he lifted and again he shoved, pushing even more inside. It was such a strange sensation, as if my bones were moving. He was using my body for every elastic inch.

  But still there was more. Each thrust brought a new shriek from my mouth, until I was certain he'd hit as far as it could go. Surely he was inside my womb now, surely there was nothing else for him to take. And yet, he'd find more, push further until finally I felt his balls against my rear, those hard scales digging into my flesh.

  My breathing was short and shallow. I looked around and saw the other men all staring. A couple were fiercely stroking themselves, as if this sort of thing were common. Maybe it was. Mastian's claws dug into my skin, bringing my attention back to him.

  “She feels amazing. Tightest pussy I've ever had.” He grinned. “Though I had to break it in a bit...”

  The men chuckled along with him. Another man freed himself and began to stroke furiously.

  “Time for the real fucking to begin...” My Master said.

  And so it did.

  He yanked me up and dropped me down, over and over, slamming that ridiculously oversized dick deep inside my near-virgin canal. It was so hard I knew I'd have bruises the next day. But what was strange was the fact that once he'd finally made his way all the way in? It started to feel good.

  Maybe it was the whole scenario, the fact that I was losing my virginity in front of dozens of alien men, being used by my alien master, I don't know. But I was growing wetter and wetter by the second. And when he touched my clit with that strange, dangerous claw I felt myself explode, even before he did.

  My body was stretched beyond comprehension, but my muscles were strong. When I exploded, I tightened around his dick, already in a tighter hole than it had ever invaded. I milked him as I screamed in pleasure, not pain. I trembled and shrieked and he pounded furiously until finally he exploded deep inside, releasing wave after wave of that hot, sticky seed deep inside my unprotected womb.

  I fell forward against his chest, my bare breasts leaning against his uniform. I laughed softly and nuzzled against him, uncaring for the first time about all the others watching. His claws cupped my rear, holding me close. I knew then it didn't matter what I had to do, sexually. I would do anything for this man. Anything. I loved him. And strangely, he loved me.

  My wrist began to beep and I turned towards it, distracted from my first time lovemaking. I frowned, pulling it forward. A green light was blinking. I held it to Mastian, asking despite all the others in the room.

  “What does this mean?”

  He languidly opened an eye, peering down. He frowned the began to sit up, still buried deep inside of me. “Something's changed in your body chemistry. Odd. Strawnin!”

  The man from before tucked himself into his trousers. Clearly he was one of the ones enjoying the show. He rushed to our side, picking up my wrist. He frowned, then turned to one of the tablets, tapping furiously.

  “This is impossible...” he murmured.

  “What?” Mastian asked. He held me close, not seeming to care what the rest of his crew thought for that moment at least.

  “Hybrids just aren't...” He kept mumbling to himself scrolling through the tablet.

  “Explain yourself, Strawnin!”

  Fear crossed his face. “I think you just impregnated her, my Lord.”

  Like this story? Continue The Invasion series:

  Excerpt from Invasion 1, Invasion:

  “My people are larger than yours,” he explained. “I need to know how much your body can take before it breaks.”

  The device kept pounding away at her, relentlessly. He had the control in his hand and he moved to her side to watch her face. He kept turning the dial until she screamed, then he'd increase the pleasure on the other parts, back and forth. At some point he'd started ignoring his screen and all it's data, and was focused completely on her body.

  His voice had grown husky, “I suppose I see what Krag sees in you.”

  He reached to the side of the bed again, and hit another lever. The part that had held her head up dropped, as did her head, hard. And suddenly his cock was right in front of her mouth. He covered it in some sort of thin plastic, which made it glisten. “I still do not think it's safe to touch you.” He then shoved his extremely long hardness between her lips.

  Excerpt from Invasion 7, Helpless:

  You talk too much,” the doctor said, before turning his attention back
to the camera.

  “As you can see, the human females are full of erogenous zones, which makes stimulation far more interesting than a typical Ohren female.” The tentacle at her lips slowly pulled itself out a bit, then pushed back in, while the one around her neck slid back and forth, squeezing then letting go. The two between her legs kept up their dance, stimulating her clit.

  “The oral cavity can be penetrated, though this will not aid in conception. It does, however, increase the production of the female's vaginal lubrication.” He turned his attention back between her legs and pulled her lips apart for the camera's view. He slowly pushed one of his claws into her canal, then pulled it out, demonstrating her juices for the full view.