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Inside The Vault Bundle: (Billionaire Alpha Male, Post Apocalyptic BDSM) Page 4

  The head of his long dick pressing against her asshole brought her back to the present. He was going to shove himself inside her dark hole, and she wasn't going to protest. She willed herself to relax, despite the excitement that was coursing through her body.

  He lathered it up with some of his saliva, and laughed cruelly behind her. Then he stabbed it inside.

  She shrieked in pain. The first entry in anal was always the worst. Once he'd finally shoved himself all the way in, it would get easier. This was the toughest part, she just had to get through it. She kept her teeth gritted.

  He pulled out, then forced himself back in. Inch by burning inch he shoved that long tool deep inside her tightest hole. He grunted with each thrust. Every time she cried out, she could feel him growing, even larger. It would seem he enjoyed seeing her in pain.

  She wondered why she didn't stop him. It was so very painful. It was so very wrong. Her body was never meant to take something so large inside her rear. It simply wasn't designed for that. But then she felt the juices, dripping from her pussy. They slowly ran down her legs. She was enjoying this, much to her embarrassment.

  Finally, after an eternity, she felt his balls resting against her. She sighed in relief. It was done. He'd widened her enough to take his whole length.

  “That ass is so tight, you little bitch. You save it just for me?”

  A soft mewing sound escaped her lips. She hated how she reacted to this sort of treatment. She hated how close it was bringing her, even without her own stimulation. He slowly began to pull himself out, all the way to the tip. She felt the elastic canal close back to normal as he removed himself.

  “Now the fun begins.” His cruel laughter send shivers down her spine.

  The first shove brought a scream from her lips. He ripped her open the same as he had before, only much faster. Then he slowly pulled out again. He paused to let her body go back to normal before ripping through her rear, yet again. He kept this going, playing with her, getting the maximum squeezing out of her powerful muscles

  She kept screaming at his assault, but she couldn't help her excitement. Her own fingers moved between her legs, stimulating her clit. She used her own juices as lubrication. It didn't take long before her legs were trembling, nearing an orgasm.

  He noticed the trembling, and jerked his hand away from her head. He yanked her hand away from her clit.

  “This isn't about you, bitch.”

  That's when it truly became brutal. She had to use both hands to brace herself against the wall. He had both his own hands on her hips, savagely thrusting inside her tight hole. Over and over he yanked her down on his hard rod, uncaring for her screams, chasing his own orgasm.

  She could do nothing but hold on for the ride. He yanked out to the head, then slammed fully inside. His growls were growing more and more heated as his rhythm increased in intensity. Her legs still trembled in excitement.

  Finally, with a feral cry, he tossed his head back and erupted. He was buried all the way in her ass, but still she could feel wave after wave of those hot juices as they exploded inside. He didn't stop there, he kept thrusting, as another shot coated inside, and yet another. Finally he was leaning over her, bracing himself against the wall as well, catching his breath.

  Slowly he pulled himself out, his dick emerging with a sucking sound from her rear. He took a couple of steps from her, then tucked himself back in his pants without even cleaning himself. He flipped on the shower, and once more she was buffeted by the hot steam.

  “You can expect this every time I clean you, bitch.”


  Finally cleaned, and the janitor satiated, she was brought back to her Master's room. He was still staring at his computer, typing away.

  “Restrain her, then leave us.” He stated, without bothering to look up from his work. The janitor pulled her arms in front of her, putting on a pair of thick, soft cuffs. Each had extra loops on them that she looked over curiously. He then attached a matching one to her neck. It too had these unusual loops coming from it. Finally, he attached a pair of the same sort of matching cuffs to her ankles.

  The ankles he chained together with one long chain. A second, shorter chain went between the hands. A third, looser chain trailed from the ankles, through her wrist bindings, finally connecting at the collar. The janitor tugged on each, making certain they were all tight, then left, shutting the door behind him.

  She stood silently, watching, as her Master continued to furiously work at the computer. He'd said before he'd contacted the outside world, but had given her very little information. If her theory was correct, he would continue to simply feed her more stories in the hopes that she would not question him.

  Finally, after nearly an hour of standing, nude and bound in front of him, he looked up from his work. He did not, however, meet her eyes, instead he pulled out a tablet and walked to his sofa, settling in. Finally, after several minutes of reading, he spoke.

  “Well?” He asked, annoyance in his voice.

  “Yes, Master?” She asked, truly confused.

  “Why aren't your lips around my dick?”

  She blinked. He had said that he was unusually voracious sexually, and that he came five to ten times a day. She had thought that an exaggeration. He'd already finished three times today. But he said it wasn't enough. She walked to him. It was difficult due to the chains, but she made it. She knelt in front of him, between his legs. His attention moved back to his tablet.

  She slowly unbuckled his pants, staring up at him. He ignored her. She unbuttoned them, and unzipped. Though his face showed no emotion, his cock certainly was aware of what she was up to. She spent a moment running her fingers along his underwear, tracing the girth. Then she reached below the elastic wasteland and pulled him free. The massive cock was the most impressive one she'd ever seen.

  She reverently ran her hands long it, watching the beading precum that formed at his perfectly formed hole. She flicked out her tongue and tasted it. He was her Master. She belonged to him. She was owned by this massive dick. The thought thrilled her to the very core.

  She had to raise up higher on her knees in order to take his head in her mouth. It was so thick, it stretched her mouth further than anything she'd ever tried. She felt it pressing against her cheeks and she struggled desperately to keep her teeth from gracing it.

  “Suck it, buttercup.” He demanded. As if it were easy! She had barely gotten a third of his huge prick inside her mouth before he started. He absently turned the page on his book.

  So she sucked as well as she could, and she shoved as much of him inside as her mouth would hold. He was just so incredibly large. She wasn't sure how many times she'd have to do this before she could blow him as she might a normal man.

  He was still annoyed. He lay his hand on the back of her head, while the other was still holding the tablet. He grabbed a huge chunk of her hair and began using her face to fuck himself. Up and down he pushed her. He used her like a sex toy, something to just dump his load in, then go about his business. Hell, he hadn't even stopped working to take her.

  Finally with a grunt, he shoved himself as deep as he could go, down her throat. Then he paused, exploding down her esophagus. He kept that tight hold on her hair, keeping her from jerking back to breathe, until he'd finally finished pumping her full of his load.

  He let go of her hair, then slowly reached over to turn the page on his tablet. His warning to her before, to swallow every drop was sounding in her head. But he'd just emptied so much inside that it was a struggle. She tried so desperately to let each and every drip pour down her throat. Again and again she tried to swallow, but the smallest amount trickled on her lips.

  She reached up to wipe it away so he wouldn't notice. The chain sounded at her movement, and of course, her Master looked up. He stood, abruptly, the tablet falling to the floor. He towered over her, his dick already growing hard again in front of her.

  “I told you to never waste my seed. Was I not clear?

  “I... I'm sorry!” She cried out.

  “Sorry isn't enough. Go! Fetch my dinner! When you return you will be punished, understood?”


  Lana raced through the hallways, fearful of being late with her Master's dinner. If she was, then he might see fit to punish her even more. Though, she thought, that too might be exciting. At least when he was punishing her, he wasn't ignoring her.

  It was not as easy to navigate the vault when bound as she was. Still, she found the kitchen. When she entered, the portly cook reached down and wiped his hands on his apron. His eyes ran over her bound form lustfully.

  “The Master sent me to fetch his dinner...” she began. He took a couple of waddling steps towards her, chuckling.

  “Of course he did. And it looks like he dressed you for the part, eh?” The Cook glanced at the bowling pots of stew, then back to her.

  “Ain't quite ready yet, girlie. Gotta be slow and steady on this sort of food. Still...” he began, stalking even closer to her. His fat fingers reached out and grabbed the chain that ran from her neck. “We got some time.”

  She gulped. Her Master didn't seem to have any real issue sharing her with his men, but it would seem she'd have no time at all without someone buried inside of her. The cook pulled her chain over to the wall, attaching it to a hook.

  “Mmm, perfect height.” He said. Her neck was pulled forward, as where her arms. The cook kicked her legs apart, pulling her hips towards him.

  “You're so cute girlie. I gotta have a piece. You understand.”

  She couldn't even turn around and look at him. She saw him toss his apron over the chair next to her, where it landed heavily. He must have had something in the pockets. He leaned her over even further, straining her chains. He unzipped, and suddenly buried himself deep inside her pussy.

  “Wait!” She shouted, though he paid her no mind. If she'd wanted out, and didn't want to be fucked she would have said so. Still, it annoyed her that he couldn't just wait for just a moment. No, he'd already buried that fat dick of his inside, not listening to her. He began to rock over her, in and out. She could feel those layers of fat as they slammed against her body.

  “The Master, I was told...”

  She could hear him grunting behind her, smashing that fat dick in and out of her tight canal. She'd been wet, Hell, pretty much all day. She was plenty lubricated for him. Still, he was going to be in trouble. She didn't want him to be punished too.

  “The Master said you couldn't be inside my pussy!” She finally shouted, while he heaved himself in and out.

  Laughter sounded behind her. She could actually feel the rolls of fat as they jiggled against her rear.

  “Said I can't cum in that tight pussy of yours. That's all.” He stated, his breath already ragged.

  She wasn't sure what he'd actually told them, only what the janitor had said. Maybe he had said they couldn't get her pregnant. Maybe that was all it was. And truly, did she want another man shoving inside of her rear?

  The cook was as disgusting in his own way as the janitor. He was so large that his dick was hidden partially in those massive fat rolls, but he was still hard as a rock. He was also thrusting that dick in with everything he had. Sweat was pouring off his body as he chased his own pleasure. It dripped onto her back.

  Why was it that she wanted to be taken by these disgusting men? In the real world, she would never have let them buy her dinner, let alone plow the most intimate parts of her body. Oh, her Master was attractive enough, but his men? No, they were far uglier than any she'd ever been with.

  But there was something to submitting to them that excited her, something that thrilled her to be used. She was able to see what a man would do when no law would punish him. She was able to see the true, brutal savagery that these men contained.

  Those two fat hands crossed over her body, hugging her to him as best as he could considering her bondage. He jerked once, twice, and finally jerked himself out of her. She felt him explode that hot, foul goop all over her back and rear, coating her with his white seed.

  He stayed still for a long moment, his heavy weight on her, catching his breath. That's when the pot began to boil over.

  He jerked his head up as if he'd been bitten. He hastily tucked himself back in his pants and ran towards the stove, his back to her. He was cursing up a storm as he tried to salvage what was left of his meal.

  Lana was left, still attached to the hook. She looked down at the apron the cook had left behind.

  Peaking out of it was his cell phone.


  It was too good of an opportunity. He was busy with the food. And before her lay the key to all her answers.

  She had to maneuver a bit to get the chains long enough to reach. She had to go up on one foot and push her head even closer to the hook. Her fingertips were so close to it. Her wary eyes watched the cook, even as his seed dripped down her legs.

  She pushed harder. One fingertip was on top. She kept having to choose between checking him and giving her arm more chain. Still he ran around, stirring the soup, adding other bits to the food.

  Suddenly, she had it! The phone was in her hands. She jerked it back in front of her. He couldn't see what she was doing, at least she thought he couldn't.

  Locked! Of course it was. But this guy, he wasn't the brightest. Maybe the code would be easy? She went through the basics, “1234”, “9876”, “0123”. Then she had it. “0258”. The idiot probably though he was being brilliant.

  She only had moments before he had the kitchen back under control. She started searching his emails. Sure enough, he'd been getting emails as recently as an hour ago. Amazingly enough, none of them managed to reference the apocalypse. His Mom seemed worried that he hadn't met a nice lady, and ebay wanted him to know he'd won a bid on some model train kit.

  She slipped the phone back exactly where she'd found it, just in time. The cook was wandering over to her holding a silver platter. He handed it to her.

  “The Master's supper.” He stated simply. Then he pulled the apron back up, slipping it over his head. He did not seem to notice his phone had been touched. He took the ends of the apron and wiped her rear and back of his seed and sweat.

  “Well hurry up girl, he ain't a patient man.”

  That she knew. And now she knew his secret.


  Lana rehearsed her whole speech along the walk back to his chambers. She couldn't wait to see the look on his face when she revealed she knew. He would be mortified. But it explained why his men were so calm, Hell, it even explained why he was such a hermit.

  The thought made her pause. She was sitting on the story of the century. Billionaire recluse abducts women and makes them sex slaves, convincing them that the world has collapsed around them! But then, was he really breaking any laws? He did offer to let her go. He even encouraged her to do so. Again and again he said that she could leave if she did not want to do what he was asking her to do.

  It would seem he was very good about skirting the law. Her eyes narrowed. Still, she wanted to confront him, to force him to see what he'd done and how bizarre it was.

  Even though it was the greatest, most exciting sex she'd had in her entire life.

  She'd been a willing participant. More than willing. She'd climaxed more in the past few hours than she had in the past year. Still, she was torn. She wanted the truth. She wanted to confront him. But she also wanted to see how far this would really go.

  She opened the door to his chambers, presenting him with the silver platter.

  He was standing, pacing, clearly waiting on her. His eyes turned to her, hot with anger. There was something else there... desire?

  “What took you so long?” He demanded.

  “I'm sorry, Master,” she stammered, looking down. “The cook wasn't quite done...”

  He stalked over to her, leaning down, his furious face in her own. “The cook wanted you, rather.”

  He jerked on
her collar, forcing her to face up to him. He spoke to her through gritted teeth. “My men may use you when I do not need you. Not whenever they see fit. If you cannot make that clear to them, then please, leave and face the wasteland on your own.”

  She opened her mouth to yell back at him. Fury flooded her own countenance. He'd sent her to these men, one to scrub her down, nude. The other while she was not only nude, but bound. He'd given her body to them for their own use. What did he think was going to happen? And beyond that... she knew his secret. She knew the world was exactly the same as when she'd left it. She began to say as much...